Graduate Student Council Officer Position Descriptions

Co-President Job Description: GSC President JD

Vice President of Advocacy Job Description: GSC VP Advocacy JD

Vice President of Finance Job Description: GSC VP Finance JD

Vice President of Grants Job Description: please click nomination form in Google Form link below for more information. 

Vice President of Information Job Description: GSC VP Information JD

Vice President of Engagement Job Description: GSC-VP-Engagement-JD

GSC Officers are elected in April GSC meeting every academic year. There is a transition phase with responsibilities starting May 1 following elections. There are minor responsibilities in the summer and the expectation is around 5 hours per week during the academic year (fall/spring). GSC Officers receive $1,000 per semester for their service and funds are paid out as an award letter in December and June upon approval of the GSC President(s). Since these positions are not paid hourly, this will not interfere with students who are already maxed out for an hourly wage (e.g. international students).

April 2024 Elections and Nomination Form is now live! Please nominate yourself/peers via Google Form here


Elections are held late in the Spring semester each year.